▪ What is Lent? The Lenton season, and why it matters
▪ Ash Wednesday - A Time of Preparation for Easter
▪ Holy Week Study Resources - Recommended books to study
▪ The Raising of Lazarus - Instilling in us a true hope
▪ Holy Week Study Resources - Recommended books to study
▪ The Raising of Lazarus - Instilling in us a true hope
▪ Passover - The events of the last week and the Passover
Palm Sunday
▪ Palm Sunday - The entrance of the Passover Lamb
▪ Triumphal Entry - Seeking the true Messiah
▪ Palm Sunday - Our own acceptance of the Savior
Monday to Wednesday
▪ Cleansing of the Temple - Leaven, corruption, & the Temple
▪ A Fruitless Tree - Will we likewise be fruitless?
▪ The Two Anointings by Women - The significance of days
Maundy Thursday: Last Supper (Last 24 Hours timeline)
▪ Last Supper & the Passover Feast - The sacrament and Passover
▪ Setting of the Last Supper - A possible seating arrangement
▪ The Last Supper - Significance of the final Passover
▪ Sacrament & the Atonement - Insights into the Sacrament
Maundy Thursday: Gethsemane and Trials
▪ Olive Press - Significance of Gethsemane & the olive press
▪ Mighty Prayer - The powerful lessons from Jesus' prayer
▪ The True Lamb of God - Christ is judged before the High Priest
▪ His Blood Be Upon Us - The irony of the people's statement
▪ Whom Will You Have Me Release - Jesus & Jesus Barabbas
Good Friday
▪ What was Crucifixion like - What we know about crucifixion
Palm Sunday
▪ Palm Sunday - The entrance of the Passover Lamb
▪ Triumphal Entry - Seeking the true Messiah
▪ Palm Sunday - Our own acceptance of the Savior
Monday to Wednesday
▪ Cleansing of the Temple - Leaven, corruption, & the Temple
▪ A Fruitless Tree - Will we likewise be fruitless?
▪ The Two Anointings by Women - The significance of days
Maundy Thursday: Last Supper (Last 24 Hours timeline)
▪ Last Supper & the Passover Feast - The sacrament and Passover
▪ Setting of the Last Supper - A possible seating arrangement
▪ The Last Supper - Significance of the final Passover
▪ Sacrament & the Atonement - Insights into the Sacrament
Maundy Thursday: Gethsemane and Trials
▪ Olive Press - Significance of Gethsemane & the olive press
▪ Mighty Prayer - The powerful lessons from Jesus' prayer
▪ The True Lamb of God - Christ is judged before the High Priest
▪ His Blood Be Upon Us - The irony of the people's statement
▪ Whom Will You Have Me Release - Jesus & Jesus Barabbas
Good Friday
▪ What was Crucifixion like - What we know about crucifixion
▪ 7 Last Words of Jesus - The Last message Jesus shares
▪ Women at the Cross - What we can learn from these witnesses
▪ Take Up Your Cross - Let us each take our cross and follow
▪ He Died For Me - A song I wrote about the Savior's death
Black Saturday
▪ Day of Agony - Our own days of despair and darkness
Resurrection Sunday
▪ Mary Magdalene - The First Witness of the resurrection
▪ Doubting Thomas - Doubter or witness of Christ?
▪ Our Road to Emmaus - Will we recognize Him on our road?
▪ Take Up Your Cross - Let us each take our cross and follow
▪ He Died For Me - A song I wrote about the Savior's death
Black Saturday
▪ Day of Agony - Our own days of despair and darkness
Resurrection Sunday
▪ Mary Magdalene - The First Witness of the resurrection
▪ Doubting Thomas - Doubter or witness of Christ?
▪ Our Road to Emmaus - Will we recognize Him on our road?