
Christmas is the second most holy holiday for Christians (Holy Week being the first). During this season we celebrate the birth of the Savior Jesus Christ and remember his miraculous birth, and the beautiful story of those who came to worship the Lord. The birth of Jesus teaches us valuable messages, messages of the faithful witnesses of the birth of Christ. Below are several of my videos and blog posts relating to Advent and Christmas.

Advent Season
Advent - A Time of Preparation for Christmas
Christmas Study Resources - Recommended books to study
The Genealogy of Jesus - What it teaches us about the Savior
Oh Holy Night - My 2012 church Christmas program
The Birth of John the Baptist
The Annunciations - A comparison of Zacharias and Mary
Birth of John the Baptist - The birth of the forerunner of Christ

The Shepherds
Who Were the Shepherds - The story of these powerful witnesses
▪ Swaddling Clothes and a Manger - Why this was a sign
The Temple Shepherds - Why shepherds were the first witnesses?
The Heavenly Host - Who were the angels that sang that night?

The Birth of Jesus Christ
▪ What was the Birth of Jesus like? - The real story
The Story of Mary - A chosen vesel of the Lord
The Story of Joseph - A just and righteous man
Ancient Birth Customs - What was giving birth like back then?
Presentation of Jesus at the Temple - The story of Simeon and Anna

The Wise Men Visit
Frankincense and Myrrh - The significance of the gifts of the Magi
Who were the Wise Men? - What do we know from the scriptures?