If you have read any of my blogs, you may have noticed that one of my favorite questions to ask is how the Savior lives the laws He gives us. How does the Savior have patience, faith, love, charity, hope, and long suffering. How does the Savior exemplify the laws of God, and how does He bless the lives of others through the way He lives His life. Below are a few of my thoughts about how the Savior not only teaches of the perfect way, but lives the perfect way. Truly He is the Way, the Life and the Truth (see John 14:6).
▪ Reproof - One of the attributes we often overlook, yet is very powerful
▪ Meekness - How was the Savior meek and lowly in heart?
▪ Sacrifice - The Lord is the ultimate example of placing all on the altar of sacrifice
▪ Experience - Truly, He has borne our griefs
▪ Hope - Though not written for this series, still very much a Christlike attribute
▪ Respect for Women - Three examples of how the Savior treated women
▪ Gratitude - How Jesus exemplifies the attribute of gratitude
There are many ways to pray. Some pray on their knees, others pray on their feet. Some wash before praying, some wear special clothing. Yet the Lord hears all who pray to Him for He loves all of His children. Some of the most spiritual experiences I have had is praying in the manner of other people. I have prayed at the Western Wall, at a mosque in Salt Lake, in a Sacred Grove in New York, in a Catholic church at Gethsemane in Jerusalem. Below are a few thoughts I have had over the years about prayer.
▪ Watch and Pray - A powerful key to overcoming temptation and tribulation
▪ The Lord's Prayer - The perfect model for our own prayers
▪ Joseph's Prayer - A prayer in a Sacred Grove
▪ Praise - An often overlooked aspect of prayer