▪ Advent - A Time of Preparation for Christmas
▪ Christmas Study Resources - Recommended books to study
▪ The Genealogy of Jesus - What it teaches us about the Savior
▪ Oh Holy Night - My 2012 church Christmas program
The Birth of John the Baptist
▪ The Annunciations - A comparison of Zacharias and Mary
▪ Birth of John the Baptist - The birth of the forerunner of Christ
The Shepherds
▪ Who Were the Shepherds - The story of these powerful witnesses
▪ Swaddling Clothes and a Manger - Why this was a sign
▪ The Temple Shepherds - Why shepherds were the first witnesses?
▪ The Heavenly Host - Who were the angels that sang that night?
The Birth of Jesus Christ
▪ What was the Birth of Jesus like? - The real story
▪ The Heavenly Host - Who were the angels that sang that night?
The Birth of Jesus Christ
▪ What was the Birth of Jesus like? - The real story
▪ The Story of Mary - A chosen vesel of the Lord
▪ The Story of Joseph - A just and righteous man
▪ Ancient Birth Customs - What was giving birth like back then?
▪ Presentation of Jesus at the Temple - The story of Simeon and Anna
The Wise Men Visit
▪ Frankincense and Myrrh - The significance of the gifts of the Magi
▪ Who were the Wise Men? - What do we know from the scriptures?
▪ Ancient Birth Customs - What was giving birth like back then?
▪ Presentation of Jesus at the Temple - The story of Simeon and Anna
The Wise Men Visit
▪ Frankincense and Myrrh - The significance of the gifts of the Magi
▪ Who were the Wise Men? - What do we know from the scriptures?