
Holy Week

Holy Week is the most significant period of time in all of history. During this single week, all of mankind was freed from the cold chains of death and enabled to overcome all things, including sin. During this week, we learn more of the Savior and of His true attributes than during any other period of His life. Though He was born of miraculous circumstances, though He healed the sick and raised the dead, yet no other event in His life stands in comparison to His atoning sacrifice that he performed during this week of weeks. Below are several of my blog posts and videos relating to this Holy Week.

Pre-Holy Week Events
▪ What is Lent? The Lenton season, and why it matters
Ash Wednesday - A Time of Preparation for Easter
Holy Week Study Resources - Recommended books to study
The Raising of Lazarus - Instilling in us a true hope
▪ Passover - The events of the last week and the Passover

Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday - The entrance of the Passover Lamb
▪ Triumphal Entry - Seeking the true Messiah
Palm Sunday - Our own acceptance of the Savior

Monday to Wednesday
Cleansing of the Temple - Leaven, corruption, & the Temple
A Fruitless Tree - Will we likewise be fruitless?
The Two Anointings by Women - The significance of days

Maundy Thursday: Last Supper (Last 24 Hours timeline)
Last Supper & the Passover Feast - The sacrament and Passover
Setting of the Last Supper - A possible seating arrangement
The Last Supper - Significance of the final Passover
Sacrament & the Atonement - Insights into the Sacrament

Maundy Thursday: Gethsemane and Trials
Olive Press - Significance of Gethsemane & the olive press
Mighty Prayer - The powerful lessons from Jesus' prayer
The True Lamb of God - Christ is judged before the High Priest
▪ His Blood Be Upon Us - The irony of the people's statement
▪ Whom Will You Have Me Release - Jesus & Jesus Barabbas
Good Friday
What was Crucifixion like - What we know about crucifixion
▪ 7 Last Words of Jesus - The Last message Jesus shares
▪ Women at the Cross - What we can learn from these witnesses
Take Up Your Cross - Let us each take our cross and follow
He Died For Me - A song I wrote about the Savior's death

Black Saturday
Day of Agony - Our own days of despair and darkness

Resurrection Sunday
Mary Magdalene - The First Witness of the resurrection
▪ Doubting Thomas - Doubter or witness of Christ?
Our Road to Emmaus - Will we recognize Him on our road?